You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to record
a change to a defined host object.
Because it is sometimes necessary to replace the host-bus
adapter (HBA) that connects the host to the SAN, you must inform the
system of the new worldwide port names (WWPNs) that this HBA contains.
that your switch is zoned correctly.
To inform the system of a change to a
defined host object, complete the following steps.
- Issue this CLI command
to list the candidate HBA ports:
You see a
list of the HBA ports that are available for addition to host objects. One or more of these HBA
ports corresponds with one or more
WWPNs that belong to the new HBA port.
- Locate the host object that corresponds with the host in which you replaced the HBA. The
following CLI command lists all the defined host objects:
- Issue the following CLI command to list the WWPNs that are currently
assigned to the host object:
lshost hostobjectname
where hostobjectname is the name of the host object.
- Issue the following CLI command to
add the new ports to the existing host object:
addhostport -fcwwpn one or more existing port names
separated by :hostobjectname/ID
where one or more existing port names separated by : is the WWPNs that are
currently assigned to the host object and hostobjectname/ID is the name or ID of
the host object.
- Issue the following CLI command to
remove the old ports from the host object:
rmhostport -fcwwpn one or more existing port names
separated by :hostobjectname/ID
where one or more existing WWPNs separated by a colon (
:) are the WWPNs that are
currently assigned to the host object and
hostobjectname/ID is the name or ID of
the host object.
Note: When volume protection is enabled for the system, the deletion of the
specified host port fails if the following conditions are met:
- It is the last active port on the host.
- It is mapped to any volume that received I/O within the specified volume protection
If volume protection is enabled, and the host port being deleted is the last port for a host,
which is mapped to any volume that received I/O within the defined volume protection time period,
then the command fails. If multiple hosts are mapped to the same active volume, the system deletes
the port if the host is offline.
Any mappings that exist between the host object and the volumes are automatically applied to
the new WWPNs Therefore, the host sees the volumes as the same SCSI LUNs as before.
See the IBMMultipath Subsystem Device
Driver User's Guideor the documentation
that is provided with your multipathing driver for additional information
about dynamic reconfiguration.