The associated event codes provide more information about a specific error:
- 087022 A cloud object could not be found during cloud snapshot operation.
- The system encountered a problem when it tried to read a particular object from cloud storage.
The object is missing in the cloud.
- 087023 A cloud object was found to be corrupt during cloud snapshot operation.
- The system encountered a problem when it tried to read a particular object from cloud storage.
The object format is wrong or the object longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) failed.
- 087024 A cloud object was found to be corrupt during cloud snapshot decompression
- The system encountered a checksum failure while it was decompressing a particular object from
cloud storage.
- 087025 Etag integrity error during cloud snapshot operation
- While the system was creating a snapshot in cloud storage, it encountered an HTML entity tag
integrity error.
- 087027 Unexpected error occurred, cannot complete cloud snapshot operation
- An unanticipated error occurred during a snapshot operation.
- 087029 A cloud object could not be found during a cloud snapshot restore operation
- The system encountered a problem when it tried to read a particular object from cloud storage
during a restore operation. The object is missing in the cloud.
- 087030 A cloud object was found to be corrupt during a cloud snapshot restore operation
- The system encountered a problem when it tried to read a particular object from cloud storage
during a restore operation. The object format is wrong or the object longitudinal redundancy check
(LRC) failed.
- 087031 A cloud object was found to be corrupt during a cloud snapshot restore decompression
- The system encountered a checksum failure while it was decompressing a particular object from
cloud storage during a restore operation.
- 087032 Etag integrity error during cloud snapshot restore operation
- During a restore operation, the system encountered an HTML entity tag integrity error.
- 087034 Cannot create bad blocks on a managed disk during cloud snapshot restore operation.
- The system cannot work around medium errors on the cloud volume during a restore operation.
- 087035 Unexpected error occurred, cannot complete cloud snapshot restore operation
- An unanticipated error occurred during a restore operation.
- 087037 A cloud object could not be found during a cloud snapshot delete operation
- The system encountered a problem when it tried to read a particular object from cloud storage
during a delete operation. The object is missing in the cloud.
- 087038 A cloud object was found to be corrupt during cloud snapshot delete operation
- The system encountered a problem when it tried to read a particular object from cloud storage
during a delete operation. The object format is wrong or the object longitudinal redundancy check
(LRC) failed.
- 087039 A cloud object was found to be corrupt during cloud snapshot delete decompression
- The system encountered a checksum failure while it was decompressing a particular object from
cloud storage during a delete operation.
- 087040 Unexpected error occurred, cannot complete cloud snapshot delete operation
- An unanticipated error occurred during a delete operation.
In all cases, the job remains paused until the alert is fixed.
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