Problem: node canister service IP address unknown

You can use several methods to determine the service address of a node canister.

A default service address is initially assigned to each node canister, as shown in Default service IP addresses. Try using these addresses if the node has not been reconfigured, and the addresses are valid on your network.

If you are able to access the management GUI, the service IP addresses of the node canisters are shown by selecting a node and port at Settings > Network > Service IP Addresses.

If you are unable to access the management GUI but know the management IP address of the system, use the IP address to log in to the service assistant that is running on the configuration node.
  1. Point your browser at the /service directory of the management IP address of the system. If your management IP address is, point your web browser to
  2. Log in to the service assistant.

    The service assistant home page lists the node canister that can communicate with the node.

  3. If the service address of the node canister that you are looking for is listed in the Change Node window, make the node the current node. Its service address is listed under the Access tab of the node details.

If you know the service IP address of any node canister in the system, you can log in to the service assistant of that node. Follow the previous instructions for using the service assistant, but at step 1, point your browser at the /service directory of the service IP address you know. For example, if you know the service IP address is, point your web browser to

Some types of errors can prevent nodes from communicating with each other; in that event, it might be necessary to point your browser directly at the service assistant of the node that requires administering, rather than change the current node in the service assistant.

If you are unable to find the service address of the node by using the management GUI or service assistant, you can also use a USB flash drive to find it. For more information, see Procedure: Getting node canister and system information by using a USB flash drive.

Table 1. Default service IP addresses.

Default service IP addresses

Canister IPv4 address IPV4 subnet mask
Canister 1 (left)
Canister 2 (right)

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