You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to stop a FlashCopy® consistency
The stopfcconsistgrp CLI command stops
all processing that is associated with a FlashCopy® consistency
group that is in one of the following processing states: prepared,
copying, stopping, or suspended.
- To stop a FlashCopy® consistency
group, issue the stopfcconsistgrp CLI command:
stopfcconsistgrp fc_map_id or fc_map_name
where fc_map_id
or fc_map_name is the ID or name of the mapping to delete.
- To stop a consistency group and break the dependency on
the source volumes of any mappings that are also dependent on the
target volume, issue the following command:
stopfcconsistgrp -split fc_map_id or fc_map_name
You can specify the split parameter when all the maps in the group have a
progress of 100. It removes the dependency of any other maps on the source volumes. You can use this
option before you start another FlashCopy® consistency group whose
target disks are the source disks of the mappings that are being stopped. After the consistency
group is stopped with the split option, you can start the other consistency group without the
restore option.
The command does not return any output.