
Use the chmdiskgrp command to modify the name that is assigned to a storage pool or to set the warning threshold for the storage pool.


 chmdiskgrp    [  -name  new_name_arg  ]   [  -size  new_size  ]   [  -warning  { disk_size_percentage% } disk_size [  -unit  {  b  |  kb  |  mb  |  gb  |  tb  |  pb  } ] ] [  -easytier  {  auto  |  on  |  off  |  measure  } ] {  mdisk_group_name  |  mdisk_group_id  }


(Optional) Specifies the new name of the storage pool.
-warningdisk_size | disk_size_percentage%
(Optional) Sets a threshold at which a warning is generated. The warning is generated the first time that the threshold is exceeded by the used-disk capacity in the storage pool. You can specify a disk_size integer, which defaults to megabytes (MB) unless the -unit parameter is specified; or you can specify a disk_size%, which is a percentage of the storage pool size. To disable warnings, specify 0 or 0%.
(Optional) Specifies the new size of a child pool.
Note: This parameter cannot be used with parent pools. Use addmdisk or rmmdisk to change storage pool capacity.
-unitb | kb | mb | gb | tb | pb
(Optional) Specifies the data units for the -warning parameter.
-easytierauto | on | off | measure
(Optional) Specifies if the Easy Tier function is on or off for this storage pool, or if it is automatically determined. -easytier is active in storage pools with multiple tiers and is balance with single tiers.
Note: -easytier must be followed by one of the following:
  • If -easytier is set to auto, Lenovo Storage V series automatically enables Easy Tier® functions when the storage pool contains MDisks from more than one tier, and enables automatic rebalancing when the storage pool contains MDisks from only one tier.
  • If -easytier is set to on, then Easy Tier® functions are active.
  • If -easytier is set to off, then Easy Tier® functions are inactive.
  • If -easytier is set to measureEasy Tier® statistics are collected but Easy Tier® management is disabled. (No extents are moved by Easy Tier.)
auto equates to:
  • on if Easy Tier® is licensed or no license is required
  • off if Easy Tier® is not licensed and a license is required
Specifying -easytier on enables Easy Tier®:
  • Management of both single-tier and multi-tier pools
  • Auto rebalance
Extents are moved to balance the I/O load on the MDisks in the pool.
mdisk_group_id | mdisk_group_name
(Required) Specifies the ID or name of the storage pool to modify.


Table 1. Parameter differences for child pools and parent pools
Parameter Child pool usage Storage pool usage
-name Optional Optional
-easytier Cannot be used with child pools Optional
-size Optional Cannot be used with parent pools
-unit Optional Optional
-warning Optional Optional

This command modifies the name, or label, assigned to a given storage pool. You can use the new name to refer to the storage pool.

The command can also be used to set the warning threshold for the storage pool. The warning threshold is the threshold which a warning is generated when it is exceeded by the used-disk capacity in the storage pool.

You can also use this command to change other settings for parent pools and child pools.

An invocation example

chmdiskgrp -name testmdiskgrp -easytier on Group0

The resulting output:

No feedback

An invocation example

chmdiskgrp -size 100 -unit tb mypool

The resulting output:

No feedback

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