
Use the lsdrive command to display configuration information and drive vital product data (VPD).


 lsdrive    [  -filtervalue  attribute_value  ] [  -nohdr  ]   [  -delim  delimiter  ] [  -filtervalue?  ]   [ -bytes ]   [ drive_id ]  


(Optional) Specifies a list of one or more filters. Only objects with a value that matches the filter attribute value are displayed.
Note: Some filters allow the use of a wildcard when you enter the command. The following rules apply to the use of wildcards:
  • The wildcard character is the asterisk (*).
  • The command can contain a maximum of one wildcard.
  • When you use a wildcard, enclose the filter entry within double quotation marks (""): lsdrive -filtervalue mdisk_id="1*"
(Optional) By default, headings are displayed for each column of data in a concise style view, and for each item of data in a detailed style view. The -nohdr parameter suppresses the display of these headings.
Note: If there is no data to be displayed, headings are not displayed.
-delim delimiter
(Optional) By default in a concise view, all columns of data are space-separated. The width of each column is set to the maximum width of each item of data. In a detailed view, each item of data has its own row, and if the headers are displayed, the data is separated from the header by a space. The -delim parameter overrides this behavior. Valid input for the -delim parameter is a 1-byte character. If you enter -delim : on the command line, the colon character (:) separates all items of data in a concise view; for example, the spacing of columns does not occur. In a detailed view, the data is separated from its header by the specified delimiter.
(Optional) Displays the valid filter attributes for the -filtervalue parameter:
  • capacity
  • enclosure_id
  • error_sequence_number
  • id
  • mdisk_id
  • mdisk_name
  • member_id
  • node_id
  • node_name
  • slot_id
  • status
  • tech_type
  • use
  • drive_class_id
(Optional) The size (capacity) of the drive in bytes.
(Optional) The identity of the drive.


Use this command to display configuration information and drive VPD.
Note: Filtering should be permitted on all concise fields.
lsdrive output describes possible outputs.
Table 1. lsdrive output
Attribute Value
id Indicates the ID of the drive:
  • online, which indicates that the drive is available through all drive ports
  • degraded, which indicates that the drive is available but not through all drive ports
  • offline, which indicates that the drive is unavailable
status Indicates the summary status of the drive.
error_sequence_number Indicates the error sequence number that describes the cause of the drive status:
  • online, which is blank
  • degraded, which is populated if associated with an error
  • offline, which must be populated
Note: Error sequence numbers indicate an entry in the event log. This value includes entries that are both errors, and informational messages (for example, the drive is formatting).
use Indicates the current role of the drive:
  • unused if the drive that is not configured to be used by anything
  • candidate if the drive is available to be configured
  • spare if the drive is configured as a spare, to be used if the arrays fail members
  • member if the drive is configured as a member of an array
  • failed if the drive is rejected and is no longer available for use
UID Indicates that the unique ID reported by the drive.
tech_type Indicates the drive technology used.
The values are:
  • unsupported indicates that the drive is not supported in this platform (contact your support team).
  • tier0_flash
  • tier1_flash
  • tier_enterprise
  • tier_nearline
replacement_date Indicates the date of a potential drive failure. The format must be YYMMDD. This value is blank for non-SSD drives.
capacity Indicates the capacity of disk, excluding quorum area.
block_size Indicates the block size of the disk.
vendor_id Indicates the manufacturer of the drive.
product_id Indicates the product ID of the drive.
FRU_part_number Indicates the FRU part number of the drive.
FRU_identity Indicates the 11S number that combines manufacturing part number and serial number.
RPM Indicates the specified RPM of the disk.
firmware_level Indicates the firmware level of the disk; blank if unknown.
FPGA_level Indicates the FPGA level, if applicable; blank if not applicable or unknown.
mdisk_id Indicates the ID of the array MDisk that the drive is a member of.
mdisk_name Indicates the name of the MDisk that the drive is a member of.
member_id Indicates the ID of the MDisk array member.
enclosure_id Indicates whether the:
  • Drive is contained in an enclosure (not a node) and the slot position is known, this value is the ID of the enclosure in which the drive is located.
  • Drive is contained in a node (not an enclosure), this value is blank.
  • Enclosure ID is not determined yet, this value is blank.
slot_id Indicates the slot_id of the drive in the enclosure or node. It can be referred to as the drive bay or location. This value can be blank.
node_name Indicates the node name where the drive is located for a drive that is contained within a node. For a drive contained within an enclosure, it is blank.
node_id Indicates the node ID where the drive is located for a drive that is contained within a node. For a drive contained within an enclosure, blank.
quorum_id Indicates the ID of quorum disk; blank if not quorum disk.
port_1_status Indicates the connectivity status of the drive's first port. The values are online, offline, or excluded.
Note: Port 1 is attached to the node that has a panel name that ends in -1.
port_2_status Indicates the connectivity status of the drive's second port. The values are online, offline, or excluded.
Note: Port 2 is attached to the node that has a panel name that ends in -2.
auto_manage Indicates whether the auto_manage process is running (active) or not running (idle).
drive_class_id Indicates which drive class the drive is part of.
write_endurance_used Indicates the drive writes per day (DWPD). This value is blank for drives that are not SSD drives. The value must be a number 0 - 255.

This value indicates the percentage of life that is used by the drive. The value 0 indicates that full life remains, and 100 indicates that the drive is at or past its end of life.

Note: The drive must be replaced when the value exceeds 100.
This value is blank for drives that are either:
  1. Not SSDs.
  2. SSDs that predate support of the endurance indicator.
This value also applies to drives that are yet to be polled, which can take up to 24 hours.
write_endurance_usage_rate Indicates the DWPD usage rate. The values are:
  • measuring
  • high
  • marginal
  • low
This value is blank for non-SSD drives.

A concise invocation example

lsdrive -delim :

The concise resulting output:


A detailed invocation example for an SSD drive

lsdrive 0

The detailed resulting output:

product_id:I8MR1337 W00Y4Y1


A detailed invocation example for a tier 1 flash SSD drive

lsdrive 0

The detailed resulting output:

id 0
status degraded
use candidate
UID 5000c5002624a723
tech_type sas_hdd
capacity 1.8TB
block_size 512
vendor_id IBM-207x
product_id ST32000444SS
FRU_part_number 85Y5869
FRU_identity 11S41Y8471YXXX9WM40LMD
RPM 10000
firmware_level BC2D
enclosure_id 1
slot_id 7
quorum_id 0
port_1_status online
port_2_status offline
interface_speed 6Gb
protection_enabled no
auto_manage inactive
drive_class_id 3
write_endurance_used 30
drive_class_idwrite_endurance_used 5write_endurance_usage_rate highwork_load highreplacement_date 190806

A detailed invocation example for a hard disk drive (HDD)

lsdrive 0

The detailed resulting output:

id 0
status degraded
use candidate
UID 5000c5002624a723
tech_type sas_nearline_hdd
capacity 1.8TB
block_size 512
vendor_id IBM-207x
product_id ST32000444SS
FRU_part_number 85Y5869
FRU_identity 11S41Y8471YXXX9WM40LMD
RPM 7200
firmware_level BC2D
enclosure_id 1
slot_id 7
quorum_id 0
port_1_status online
port_2_status offline
interface_speed 6Gb
protection_enabled no
auto_manage inactive
drive_class_id 3
drive_class_idwrite_endurance_used 5write_endurance_usage_rate highwork_load highreplacement_date 190806

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