The web browser access enables the intuitive setup of the Hitachi HUS 100 family storage system logical unit numbers (LUNs) and export to the system.
The setup is straightforward and default settings can be used.
A LUN must be presented to the system
before the system can detect the controller.
To configure the
Hitachi HUS 100 family storage systems, follow these steps:
- Select . Then, select Create Host Group.
- Select Host Group Property.
- Choose a name. To select all ports, select Ports. Select Forced set to all available ports. .
- On the WWN tab, select from the selected
list. From pages, add all of the system
and Hitachi HUS 100 family ports.
- On the Volumes tab, choose from Available Volumes and add the required volumes. You can
use the defaults or set the H-LUN either by all or individually. Verify
that you have the required paths and set all the ports.
- On the Options tab, use the default settings
as shown.
Name 001:iop3 Platform not specified
Port 0A Middleware not specified
Common Setting --> Standard Mode
Mode Name Mode Enable
No Object
HP-UX Mode No
PSUE Read Reject Mode No
Mode Parameters Changed Notification Mode No
NACA Mode No
Task Management Isolation Mode No
Unique Reserve Mode 1 No
Port-ID Conversion Mode No
Tru Cluster Mode No
Product Serial Response Mode No
Same Node Name Mode No
CCHS Mode No
NOP-In Suppress Mode No
S-VOL Disable Advanced Mode No
Discovery CHAP Mode No
Unique Extended COPY Mode No
Unique Write Same Mode No
Unique Compare Write Mode No
DP Depletion Detail Reply Mode Yes
Unit Attention Change Mode No
The DP Depletion can be No to remove for TP warnings in SVC errlog.
Volume Options → Groups → Volumes → Default settings;
→ Mapping guard Disabled
→ Mapping Mode Enabled
→ Format Mode
Format Priority Mode Normal
Format Data Zero Data