Ensure that you are familiar with the danger notices for your storage system.
Electrical voltage and current from power, telephone, and communication cables are hazardous. To avoid a shock hazard:
This symbol is marked on the frame of the rack.
The PROTECTIVE EARTHING CONDUCTORS should be terminated at that point. A recognized or certified closed loop connector (ring terminal) should be used and secured to the frame with a lock washer using a bolt or stud. The connector should be properly sized to be suitable for the bolt or stud, the locking washer, the rating for the conducting wire used, and the considered rating of the breaker. The intent is to ensure the frame is electrically bonded to the PROTECTIVE EARTHING CONDUCTORS. The hole that the bolt or stud goes into where the terminal conductor and the lock washer contact should be free of any non-conductive material to allow for metal to metal contact. All PROTECTIVE EARTHING CONDUCTORS should terminate at this main protective earthing terminal or at points marked with . (R010)