The chsra -remotesupport enable command was entered when remote support
assistance was already enabled.
User Response
If all you wanted was to enable remote support assistance, no further action is required.
If you ran the
chsra command to modify the
parameter, complete the following steps:
- Disable remote support by running the chsra -remotesupport disable
- Enable remote support with an idle timeout, as in the following
chsra -remotesupport enable -idletimeout 60
This example sets the
idle timeout to 60 minutes.
If your support representative advised you to add a new support center, or if you want to
configure a proxy server, complete the following steps:
- Disable support assistance by using the chsra -disable command.
- Configure the new support center or proxy server by using the
mksystemsupportcenter command.
- Enable local and remote support assistance as required by using the chsra
-enable and chsra -remotesupport enable commands.