This topic describes how to do safely power off a node
canister in order to service it.
Attention: After powering off a node canister
using this procedure, a physical reseat of the canister will be required
to power it back on. The reseat procedure requires physical access
to the enclosure and is described in
Procedure: Reseating a node canister.
While a node canister is powered off, some volumes can become
inaccessible. Refer to Procedure: Understanding volume dependencies to determine
if it is appropriate to continue this procedure.
If your system
is powered on and performing I/O operations, it is important that
the system is powered off correctly to ensure no data is lost. If
possible, always use the fix procedures presented by the management GUI to manage and maintain your system. The fix procedures ensure the
canister is powered off safely.
To power off a node,
follow these steps:
- Go to the service assistant for the node to be shut down.
- On the home page, select the node canister to be shut down.
- If you are going to carry out maintenance of the node canister,
click Identify to light the Identify LED on
the canister. Confirm that you know the location of the node canister.
- Use the Power off action to power
off the canister.
- After the node is powered off, the service assistant shows
the node status is offline. The status LEDs on the canister indicate
the node is powered off as described in Procedure: Understanding the system status using the LEDs.