Use the stopfcmap command to stop all processing that is associated with a FlashCopy® mapping that is in one of the following processing states: prepared, copying, stopping, or suspended.
If the -force parameter is specified to a FlashCopy mapping whose target volume is also in a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship, the relationship stops. If a remote copy relationship associated with the target was mirroring I/O when the map was copying, it might lose its difference recording capability and require a full resychronization on a subsequent restart.
This command stops a single mapping. If the copy process is stopped, the target disk becomes unusable unless it already contained a complete image of the source (that is, unless the map had a progress of 100 as shown by the lsfcmap command). Before you can use the target disk, the mapping must once again be prepared and then reprocessed (unless the target disk already contained a complete image).
Only stand-alone mappings can be stopped using the stopfcmap command. Mappings that belong to a consistency group must be stopped using the stopfcconsistgrp command.
The split option can be used when the mapping has progress of 100. It removes the dependency of any other mappings on the source volume. It might be used prior to starting another FlashCopy® mapping whose target disk is the source disk of the mapping being stopped. Once the mapping has been stopped with the split option, the other mapping could then be started without the restore option.
stoprcrelationship -accessA current volume in an active-active relationship is the primary copy, or the secondary copy when the relationship's state is consistent_syncronized.
An invocation example
stopfcmap testmapone
The resulting output
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