Node canisters

Each single processing unit is a node canister, which is also called a node. The two nodes within the enclosure make an I/O group that connects to host systems and optionally, to external storage systems.

Note: Both nodes in an I/O group must have the same amount of memory installed.
Table 1 describes the operational states of a node.
Table 1. Node state
State Description
Adding The node canister was added to the clustered system but is not yet synchronized with the system state. The node canister state changes to Online after synchronization is complete.
Note: A node can stay in the Adding state for a long time. Wait at least 30 minutes before you take further action. If after 30 minutes the node state is still Adding, you can delete the node and add it again. If the node that has been added is at a lower code level than the rest of the system, the node is upgraded to the system code level, which can take up to 20 minutes. During this time, the node is shown as Adding.
Deleting The node canister is in the process of being deleted from the system.
Online The node canister is operational and is assigned to a cluster.
Offline The node canister is not operational. Run the fix procedures to determine the problem.
Pending The node canister is transitioning between states and, in a few seconds, will move to one of the other states.