You can modify an IBMTSSVC_ConcreteStoragePool
instance by changing the pool name and adding or removing an IBMTSSVC_BackendVolume instance
from the pool.
To modify an IBMTSSVC_ConcreteStoragePool instance, follow
these steps:
- Select the IBMTSSVC_ConcreteStoragePool instance that
you want to modify from an IBMTSSVC_Cluster.
- Identify the IBMTSSVC_StoragePoolSetting instance that
contains the parameter settings of the IBMTSSVC_ConcreteStoragePool
Setting instance.
You can do this by calling the IBMTSSVC_StorageCapabilities.CreateSetting()
method or by enumerating the IBMTSSVC_StoragePoolSetting that is associated
through IBMTSSVC_StorageSettingsGeneratedFromCapabilities to the IBMTSSVC_StorageCapabilities
that is associated to the IBMTSSVC_ConcreteStoragePool that is being
- Modify the name of the selected IBMTSSVC_ConcreteStoragePool
by calling IBMTSSVC_StorageConfigurationService.CreateOrModifyPool
with a new element name.
- If necessary, you
can further modify the IBMTSSVC_ConcreteStoragePool by adding or
removing an IBMTSSVC_BackendVolume instance to the pool.