Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships between clustered systems

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships can exist simultaneously between systems. In this type of configuration, there can be impacts to performance because write data from both Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships is transported over the same intersystem links.

Metro Mirror and Global Mirror relationships manage heavy workloads differently:
  • Metro Mirror typically maintains the relationships that are in the copying or synchronized states, which causes the primary host applications to see degraded performance.
  • Noncycling Global Mirror requires a higher level of write performance to primary host applications. If the link performance is severely degraded, the link tolerance feature automatically stops noncycling Global Mirror relationships when the link tolerance threshold is exceeded. As a result, noncycling Global Mirror write operations can suffer degraded performance if Metro Mirror relationships use most of the capability of the intersystem link.
  • Multiple-cycling Global Mirror relationships do not degrade performance in heavy workload situations. Global Mirror relationships instead allow the secondary volume to trail further behind the primary volume until the workload decreases.

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