To improve performance, you can migrate extents using the
command-line interface (CLI).
The system provides various data migration
features. These features can be used to move the placement of data
within parent pools and
between parent pool. These features can be used concurrently
with I/O operations.
You can use either of these
methods to migrate data:
- Migrating data (extents) from one MDisk to another
(within the same parent pool). This method
can be used to remove highly used MDisks.
- Migrating volumes from one parent pool
to another. This method can be used to remove highly used parent pools. For example, you can reduce the
use of a pool of MDisks. Child pools that receive
their capacity from parent pools, cannot have extents that are migrated
to them.
- The source MDisk must not currently be the source MDisk for any
other migrate extents operation.
- The destination MDisk must not be the destination MDisk for any
other migrate extents operation.
Migration commands fail if the target or source volume is
offline, there is no quorum disk defined, or the defined quorum disks
are unavailable. Correct the offline or quorum disk condition and
reissue the command.
You can determine the use
of particular MDisks by gathering input/output (I/O) statistics about nodes, MDisks, and
volumes. After you collect this data, you can analyze it to determine
which MDisks are used frequently. The procedure then takes you through
querying and migrating extents to different locations in the same parent pool. This procedure only can be completed
using the command-line interface.
If performance
monitoring tools indicate that an MDisk in the pool is being overused,
you can migrate data to other MDisks within the same parent pool.