The HDS Thunder, Hitachi AMS 200, AMS 500, and AMS 1000, WMS100, and HDS TagmaStore WMS systems support different modes of operation. These modes affect LUN mapping or masking and virtualization.
The Lenovo Storage V series system supports the S-TID M-LUN and M-TID M-LUN modes on Thunder 9200, and Mapping Mode enabled or disabled on Thunder 95xx. You must restart the controllers for changes to LUN mapping to take effect.
In S-TID M-LUN mode all LUs are accessible through all ports on the system with the same LUN number on each port. You can use this mode in environments where the system is not being shared between a host and the Lenovo Storage V series system.
If a system is shared between a host and the Lenovo Storage V series system, you must use M-TID M-LUN mode. Configure the system so that each LU that is exported to the system can be identified by a unique LUN. The LUN must be the same on all ports through which the LU can be accessed.
M-TID M-LUN mode enables LU virtualization by target port. In this mode, a single LU can be seen as different LUN numbers across all of the controller ports. For example, LU A can be LUN 0 on port 1, LUN 3 on port 2, and not visible at all on ports 3 and 4.
In addition, M-TID M-LUN mode enables a single LU to be seen as multiple LUN numbers on the same controller port. For example, LU B can be LUN 1 and LUN 2 on controller port 1.