
Use the lsrcrelationship command to return a concise list or a detailed view of remote copy relationships such as Metro Mirror, Global Mirror or active-active relationships visible to the system.


lsrcrelationship [ -filtervalue attribute=value ] [ -nohdr ] [ -delim delimiter ] [ -filtervalue? ] [ { object_id | object_name } ]


(Optional) Specifies a list of one or more filters. Only objects with a value that matches the filter attribute value are returned. If a capacity is specified, the units must also be included.
Note: Some filters allow the use of a wildcard when you enter the command. The following rules apply to the use of wildcards with the Lenovo Storage V series CLI:
  • The wildcard character is an asterisk (*).
  • The command can contain a maximum of one wildcard, which must be the first or last character in the string.
  • When using a wildcard, you must enclose the filter entry with double quotation marks (" "), as follows:
    lsrcrelationship -filtervalue  "name=md*"
(Optional) By default, headings are displayed for each column of data in a concise style view, and for each item of data in a detailed style view. The -nohdr parameter suppresses the display of these headings.
Note: If there is no data to be displayed, headings are not displayed even if the -nohdr parameter is specified.
(Optional) By default in a concise view, all columns of data are space-separated. The width of each column is set to the maximum width of each item of data. In a detailed view, each item of data has its own row, and if the headers are displayed the data is separated from the header by a space. The -delim parameter overrides this behavior. Valid input for the -delim parameter is a 1-byte character. If you enter -delim : on the command line, the colon character (:) separates all items of data in a concise view; for example, the spacing of columns does not occur. In a detailed view, the data is separated from its header by the specified delimiter.
object_id | object_name
(Optional) Specifies the name or ID of an object. When you use this parameter, the detailed view of the specific object is returned and any value that is specified by the -filtervalue parameter is ignored. If you do not specify the object_id | object_name parameter, the concise view of all objects that match the filtering requirements that are specified by the -filtervalue parameter are displayed.
(Optional) Specifies that you want your report to display any or all of the list of valid filter attributes. The valid filter attributes for the lsrcrelationship command are:
  • RC_rel_id
  • RC_rel_name
  • master_system_id
  • master_system_name
  • master_vdisk_id
  • master_vdisk_name
  • aus_system_id
  • aux_system_name
  • aux_vdisk_id
  • aux_vdisk_name
  • primary
  • consistency_group_id
  • consistency_group_name
  • state
  • progress
  • copy_type

For more information about filtering attributes, see Attributes of the -filtervalue parameters.


This command returns a concise list or a detailed view of remote copy relationships such as Metro Mirror, Global Mirror, or active-active relationships visible to the system.

Table 1 provides possible values for the attributes that are displayed as data in the output views.
Table 1. lsrcrelationship command attributes and values
Attribute Value
primary n/a, master, aux
state consistent_copying, inconsistent_stopped, inconsistent_copying, consistent_stopped, consistent_synchronized, idling, idling_disconnected, inconsistent_disconnected, consistent_disconnected
progress Integer between 0 and 100, n/a
cycle_period_seconds The minimum period in seconds between multiple cycles (integer between 60 and 86400; default is 300).
cycling_mode The type of Global Mirror, Metro Mirroring, or active-active cycling to use. The choices are:
  • none (default)
  • multi
copy_type The copy type:
  • metro
  • global
  • activeactive
  • blank
freeze time The time in YY/MM/DD/HH/MM format
status The values are:
  • online, which indicates that the relationship is online and accessible. If the relationship state is ConsistentSynchronized, ConsistentCopying, or InconsistentCopying the volumes replicate host I/O operations that the primary volume receives.
  • primary_offline, which indicates that the primary volume in the relationship is offline. This prevents additional I/O operations, and synchronization pauses until the primary volume is online again.
  • secondary_offline, which indicates that the secondary volume in the relationship is offline. For r Global Mirror relationships in a ConsistentSynchronized state (no change volumes) and Metro Mirror relationships, additional I/O write operations to the primary volume terminate the relationship.
  • io_channel_offline, which indicates that the remote system is not accessible. For Global Mirror relationships in a ConsistentSynchronized state (no change volumes) and Metro Mirror relationships, additional I/O write operations to the primary volume terminate the relationship.
  • primary_change_offline, which indicates that the primary change volume in the relationship is offline. For Global Mirror with change volume relationships, the current I/O cycle ends, and a new I/O cycle begins when the primary change volume is online again.
  • secondary_change_offline, which indicates that the secondary change volume in the relationship is offline. For Global Mirror with change volume relationships, the current I/O cycle pauses and a new I/O cycle resumes when the secondary volume is online again.
  • change_volumes_needed, indicates an active-active relationship that is in a HyperSwap® volumes or Global Mirror with change volume relationships. Additionally, at least one change volume is not configured.
    Important: Replication services are not usable.
sync n/a, in_sync, out_of_sync
master_change_vdisk_name The name of the volume acting as the master change volume for the relationship (blank if not defined)
Note: This field identifies the change volume for the master volume if configured. For an intersystem relationship, if the master volume is in the other clustered system (system), the master change volume is also in the other system.
aux_change_vdisk_id The id of the volume acting as the auxiliary change volume for the relationship (blank if not defined)
Note: This field identifies the change volume for the auxiliary volume, if such a volume has been configured. For an intersystem relationship, if the auxiliary volume is in the other system, the auxiliary change volume is also in the other system.
aux_change_vdisk_name The name of the volume acting as the auxiliary change volume for the relationship (blank if not defined)
Note: This field identifies the change volume for the auxiliary volume if configured. For an intersystem relationship, if the auxiliary volume is in the other system, the auxiliary change volume is also in the other system.
bg_copy_priority Unused.
The change_volumes_needed status is set if either the master or auxiliary change volume is not defined for relationships with either of these:
  • copy_type set to activeactive
  • copy_type set to global and cycling_mode set to multi

The sync attribute has a value of in_sync when the contents are synchronized (identical) between volumes. If write operations take place on either the primary or secondary volume after a consistent (stopped) or idling state occurs, they will no longer be synchronized.

A concise invocation example

lsrcrelationship -delim : -filtervalue name=j*

The concise resulting output:


A detailed invocation example

lsrcrelationship -delim : AB_2

The detailed resulting output:
