You can share an IBM® DS5000, IBM® DS4000™, or IBM® DS3000 system between a host and a Lenovo Storage V series clustered system.
IBM® DS5000,
IBM® DS4000™, and
IBM® DS3000 function known as
partitioning must be used to
separate groups of logical units that are directly attached to hosts
or groups of hosts from the logical units that are accessed by the
Lenovo Storage V series system.
Note: The Lenovo Storage V series partition must either contain all the host ports of the Lenovo Storage V series system
that are connected to the SAN or are zoned to have access to the storage system ports. For example, configure so that each Lenovo Storage V series host
bus adapter (HBA) port on Lenovo Storage V series are
able to see at least one port on storage system A and one port on
storage system B.