Configuration requirements for OpenVMS on HP AlphaServer and HP Integrity server hosts

You must configure the OpenVMS operating system before you can use HP AlphaServer and HP Integrity server hosts with the Lenovo Storage V series system.

Using the AlphaServer Console for configuring the Fibre Channel

To discover available volumes, you must issue the init command at the AlphaServer Console level. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. Viewing the Fibre Channel configuration with the wwidmgr command
P00>>>init                (there will be various informational output)

P00>>>show device
dka0.                DKA0                         RZ2DD-LS  0306
dka100.              DKA100                       RZ2DD-LS  0306
dka200.              DKA200                       RZ2DD-LS  0306
dka300.              DKA300        COMPAQ CD-ROM CR-503BCQ  1.1c
dqa0.               DQA0                  COMPAQ CDR-8435  0013
dva0.0.0.1000.0             DVA0
eia0.0.0.2004.1             EIA0                00-50-8B-CF-D9-DA
eib0.0.0.2005.1             EIB0                00-50-8B-CF-D9-DB
pga0.                PGA0          WWN 1000-0000-c93b-bae8
pgb0.                PGB0          WWN 1000-0000-c930-907b
pgc0.                PGC0          WWN 1000-0000-c923-1814
pgd0.                PGD0          WWN 1000-0000-c923-1765
pge0.                PGE0          WWN 1000-0000-c930-91cf
pgf0.                PGF0          WWN 1000-0000-c955-502f
pka0.                PKA0                    SCSI Bus ID 7
pkb0.                PKB0                    SCSI Bus ID 7  5.57
pkc0.                PKC0                    SCSI Bus ID 7  5.57
After you reboot the OpenVMS, log on and verify that the disks are available and are online. See Figure 2.
Figure 2. Example output from the boot process
P00>>>boot dkd200
$ sho dev f

Device                  Device           Error
 Name                   Status           Count
FTA0:                   Offline              0

Device                  Device           Error
 Name                   Status           Count
FGA0:                   Online               0
FGB0:                   Online               0
FGC0:                   Online               3
$ sho dev/fu FGC0:
Device FGC0:, device type KGPSA Fibre Channel, is online, shareable, error
    logging is enabled.

    Error count                    3    Operations completed                  0
    Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
    Owner process ID        00000000    Dev Prot              S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
    Reference count                0    Default buffer size                   0
    Current preferred CPU Id       1    Fastpath                              1
    Current Interrupt CPU Id      1
    FC Port Name 1000-0000-C930-9156    FC Node Name        2000-0000-C930-9156
