The Common Information Model (CIM) return codes provide information on the status of CIM agent operations.
Common Information Model return codes is a condensed list of possible CIM return codes.
CIM return code | Description | Method | Explanation |
0 | Success | GetFreeExtends() |
The parameters are valid. The method completed successfully. |
AddNode() | The node was successfully added. | ||
CheckValidity() | The information about the certificate was successfully obtained. | ||
DeleteAccount() | The account was successfully deleted. | ||
GenerateCIMOM |
The certificate was successfully deleted. | ||
CreateCode() | The new account was successfully created. | ||
SetDefault |
The validity was successfully set. | ||
GrantGlobal |
The role was successfully changed. | ||
CreateGatewayID() |
The collection was successfully created. | ||
DeleteStorage |
The StorageHardwareID was successfully deleted. | ||
CreateStorage |
The StorageHardwareID was successfully created. | ||
0 | Success (continued) | AttachDevice() | The volume was successfully attached. |
DeleteProtocol |
The controller was successfully deleted. | ||
CreateProtocol |
A clone was successfully created. | ||
DeleteRemote |
The clustered system partnership was successfully deleted. | ||
CreateRemote |
The clustered system partnership was successfully established. | ||
DeleteHardwareID |
The collection was successfully created. | ||
DeleteCertificate() | The certificate was successfully deleted. | ||
DeleteSynchronized |
The SynchronizedSet was successfully deleted. | ||
Modify |
The method was successfully run. | ||
EvictNode() | The node was successfully evicted. | ||
0 | Success (continued) | RestartService() | The CIMOM reboots. |
Shutdown() | The shutdown for the node/clustered system was successfully initiated. | ||
SetLocale() | The locale was set. | ||
SetTimezone() | The time zone for the clustered system was successfully set. | ||
SetPasswords() |
The passwords were changed. | ||
GetResetPassword |
The feature status was successfully retrieved. | ||
StartStatistics |
The statistics collection was started. | ||
DetachDevice() | The volume was successfully detached. | ||
StopStatistics |
The statistics collection was stopped. | ||
Backup |
A backup was successfully created. | ||
Reload |
The configuration was reloaded. | ||
Restore |
A restore was successfully made. | ||
AttachReplica() | The copy relationship was successfully established. | ||
CreateSynchronized |
The SynchronizedSet was successfully created. | ||
SetPassword() | The password was successfully changed. | ||
0 | Job completed with no error | CreateOrModify |
The pool was successfully created. |
CreateOrModify |
The volume was successfully created. The pool was successfully modified. | ||
DeleteStorage |
The pool was successfully deleted. | ||
ReturnToStorage |
The volume was successfully deleted. | ||
RequestDiscovery() | BackendVolume discovery was successful. | ||
SetIOGroup() | The change was successful. | ||
SetQuorum() | The method was successful. | ||
IncludeBackend |
The volume was successfully included. | ||
ModifySynchronized |
The CLI command was successfully run. | ||
0 | Job started successfully | MigrateVolume() |
The migration job was started. |
1 | Not supported | SetLocales() | The clustered system does not support locales. |
SetPasswords() | The clustered system does not support password change (CISCO). | ||
ModifyReset |
The clustered system does not support the reset password change feature. | ||
Upgrade() | The method was called on a clustered system configuration service. | ||
2 | Failed | Dump() Clean() Enter() Exit() Clean() GetDump()
ClearLog() GetRecord() GetAllRecords() FixRecord() UnfixRecord() ModifyError |
An unexpected error occurred. A CLI command failed. |
GetDump() | Failure during command processing. The file was not found. | ||
Reload |
Failed to reload the configuration. | ||
CreateCode() | Failed to create the account. | ||
GrantGlobal |
Failed to change the role. | ||
SetPassword() | Failed to change the password. | ||
DeleteAccount() | Failed to delete the account. | ||
2 | Unknown error | GenerateCIMOM |
Failed to generate new certificate due to provider internal reasons. |
EnableAuto |
Failed due to provider internal reasons. | ||
SetDefault |
Failed to set validity. | ||
CheckValidity() | Failed to obtain information about certificate. | ||
4 | Failed | GenerateCIMOM |
Unexpected error occurred. Failed to generate new certificate due to truststore problems. |
5 | Wrong Parameter Set | Delete |
The wrong number or type of parameters were passed. The given backup could not be found. |
Modify |
The wrong number or type of parameters were passed or other parameter checking failed. | ||
CreateCode() |
One of the parameters is not valid. | ||
5 | Parameter not valid | Dump(), |
One of the mandatory parameters is missing. |
ModifyIP |
One of the mandatory parameters is missing or not valid. | ||
CreateOrModify |
At least one of the parameters is not valid. | ||
CreateGatewayID() |
One of the parameters was not valid. | ||
PositionAtRecord() | One of the mandatory parameters is missing or having a negative number of records is not supported. | ||
6 | CopyType not supported | ModifySynchronized |
The type of copy passed in was different from 3 or 4. |
6 | Operation not supported | ModifySynchronized |
The operation code submitted is not valid for the copy type of the synchronized set. |
6 | SynchronizedSet is not empty | DeleteSynchronized |
There are still StorageSynchronized associations in the set. All StorageSynchronized associations must be removed before deletion of the set can be run or the Force flag must be set. |
6 | User ID already exists | CreateCode() | The user ID that you submitted exists in another account. |
6 | In use | GenerateCIMOM |
Failed to generate new certificate. Existing certificate is still valid and in use. |
7 | StorageSynchronized not in the Set | The synchronized storage does not exist in the set. | |
8 | StorageSynchronized already in the Set | The synchronized storage already exists in the set and cannot be added. | |
9 | StorageSynchronized incompatible with Set | The synchronized storage is not compatible with the Set. For example, a FlashCopy is synchronized to a Sync Copy set. | |
0x1000 | Parameters checked – Job started | The CLI copy command was run and a job object was returned. | |
0x1000 | LogicalDevices associated to other ProtocolControllers not deleted | DeleteProtocol |
At least one of the attached storage volumes is attached to another controller so it cannot be deleted. |
0x1000 | LogicalDevice instance not valid | AttachDevice() | The device is not a volume of the RedundancyGroup of the controller. |
0x1000 | LogicalDevice not associated to Controller | DetachDevice() | The device has no ProtocolControllerForUnit association to this controller. |
0x1000 | ID already created | CreateStorage |
The WWPN is already assigned to an existing storage hardware ID. |
0x1000 | Specified instance not found | DeleteStorage |
The storage hardware ID could not be found. |
0x1000 | HardwareID instance not valid | CreateGateway |
The storage hardware ID could not be found or is already a member of another collection. |
0x1001 | Size not supported | CreateOrModify |
The requested size is not supported by the primordial pools. The size parameter contains the nearest supported size larger than the requested one. The size requested was not a multiple of 512. The nearest supported size that can be requested is returned in size. |
0x1001 | Device Number Conflict | AttachDevice() | The specified device number is already occupied. |
0x1001 | Hardware implementation does not support specified IDType | CreateStorage |
The type of ID is different from 2. |
0x8000 | ComputerSystem not valid | AddNode() | The submitted ComputerSystem was not a IBMTSSVC_ CandidateNode. |
EvictNode() | The submitted ComputerSystem was not a IBMTSSVC_Node. | ||
Shutdown() | The submitted ComputerSystem was not a IBMTSSVC_Node of IBMTSSVC_Cluster. | ||
0x8000 | Locale not valid | SetLocale() | The submitted Locale was greater than 9. |
0x8000 | Type not valid | Dump() | A type greater than 2 was passed in. |
0x8000 | Connection refused | GetDump() | A connection was lost to the clustered system or failed to connect to a node (CISCO only). |
0x8000 | Backup not found | Restore |
The specified backup was not found. |
0x8000 | Delete failed | Delete |
The deletion of the backup directory failed. The failure might have been caused by a sharing violation. |
0x8000 | IOGroup must have Nodes aggregated | SetIOGroup() | The I/O group does not have any nodes. |
0x8000 | ID not valid | SetQuorum() | The quorum ID is a number greater than 2. |
0x8000 | Volume not valid | IncludeBackend |
The volume is not expelled. |
0x8000 | CopyType not supported | AttachReplica() | The type of copy passed in was different from 2 or 3. |
CreateReplica() | The type of copy passed in was different from 3 or 4. | ||
0x8000 | Ports are from multiple IOGroups | CreateProtocol |
All ports are required to belong to the same I/O group. |
0x8000 | HardwareID still bound to AuthorizationSubject. Force required | DeleteStorage |
The hardware ID has access granted to a storage volume and Force was not specified. |
0x8000 | Host is member of a LUN mapping | DeleteHardware |
To delete this host either use this host to run the RemoveAccess method for each privilege and controller this host is associated to or set “Force” equal to “True.” |
0x8000 | Record(s) not found | GetRecord() GetAllRecords() | No records were found. |
0x8000 | Cannot connect to clustered system | Create2062 |
Unable to connect to the clustered system. |
0x8000 | Connection to clustered system refused | Add2145Cluster() | The connection to the clustered system was refused. |
0x8000 | Connection to switch refused | Reset2062Node() |
The connection to the switch was refused. |
0x8000 | Management IP not found | RemoveCluster() | The IP for the clustered system cannot be found. |
0x8001 | Maximum number of nodes for clustered system exceeded | AddNode() | All I/O groups already have two nodes assigned to them. |
0x8001 | Prefix not valid | Dump() | A file prefix and feature log type were passed in at the same time. |
0x8001 | File not found | GetDump() | The given file path was not found (CISCO). |
0x8001 | Backup script failed | Backup |
The backup script returned with an error. |
0x8001 | Restore script failed | Restore |
The backup script returned with an error. |
0x8001 | Operation not supported for current state | Modify |
The operation submitted is not supported in the current state of the synchronized storage. For example, you cannot have a “prepare” operation on a synchronized storage in “synchronized” state. |
0x8001 | Operation not supported for current SyncState | Modify |
The operation is not supported with the current SyncState of the set. |
0x8001 | Unsupported protocol | CreateProtocol |
Protocol != 2. |
0x8001 | Syntax error in ClusterName | Create2062 |
The clustered system name is not valid because of a syntax error. |
0x8002 | ExtraCapacitySet not valid | AddNode() | The submitted ExtraCapacitySet was not a IBMTSSVC_ IOGroupSet. |
0x8002 | Secure copy failed | Backup |
The download of the backup file using secure copy failed. |
0x8002 | Secure copy failed | Upload |
The upload of the backup file using secure copy failed. |
CreateStorage |
The name of the element and setting are required to be null. | ||
0x8002 | Syntax error in Node or Node is not valid | Create2062 |
The node contains a syntax error, or the specified node is not valid. |
0x8003 | Maximum number of Nodes for IOGroup exceeded | AddNode() | The submitted I/O group set already has two nodes assigned to it. |
0x8003 | Creation of backup dir failed | Backup |
The backup directory cannot be created. |
0x8003 | Clear command failed | Upload |
The clustered system/tmp/ directory cannot be cleared. |
0x8003 | Username or password not valid (only ResetNode) | Add2062Cluster() |
The user name or password are not valid. |
0x8004 | Delete/rename of old backup files failed | N/A | The backup directory cannot be renamed or deleted. |
0x8004 | Wrong SwitchIP / cant connect to switch | Create2062 |
The IP for the switch is not correct, so a connection to the switch cannot be made. |
0x8004 | SwitchIP is not configured | Reset2062Node() Reload2062Node() | The IP for the switch is not configured. |
0x8005 | Syntax error in IP of clustered system | N/A | The IP for the clustered system contains a syntax error. |
0x8006 | Slot not valid | N/A | The slot is not valid. |
0x8007 | Cannot upload public key to switch | N/A | The public key cannot be uploaded to the switch. |
0x8100 | Clustered system scope violation | N/A | One or more parameters were out of the clustered system scope. |
0x8200 | N/A | N/A | The method was run successfully but one or more parameters were ignored. |