This error might be reported after the recovery
action for a cluster failure or a complete I/O group failure. The
error is reported because some FlashCopies, whose control data is
stored by the I/O group, were active at the time of the failure and
the current state of the mapping could not be recovered.
User Response
To fix this error it is necessary to delete all
of the FlashCopy mappings on the I/O group that failed.
- Note the I/O group index against which the error is logged.
- List all of the FlashCopy mappings that are using this I/O group
for their bitmaps. You should get the detailed view of every possible
FlashCopy ID. Note the IDs of the mappings whose IO_group_id matches
the ID of the I/O group against which this error is logged.
- Note the details of the FlashCopy mappings that are listed so
that they can be re-created.
- Delete all of the FlashCopy mappings that are listed. Note: The
error will automatically be marked as "fixed" once the last mapping
on the I/O group is deleted. New mappings cannot be created until
the error is fixed.
- Using the details noted in step 3, re-create all of the FlashCopy
mappings that you just deleted.
Possible Cause-FRUs or other: