LDAP administrator user names must be a valid Distinguished
Name, NT login, or User Principal Name.
- Distinguished Names must be a sequence of attribute=value pairs
separated by a comma (,), semicolon (;), or plus sign (+), and include
special characters and UTF-8 characters that are appropriately escaped
with a backslash (\).
- NT logins are valid for Active Directory only and should be in
the format DOMAIN\user. They must not start or end with a period (.)
and both DOMAIN and user must exclude characters in the set: \ / :
? " < > |
- UPN logins are valid for Active Directory only and must be in
the format user@suffix. Both user and suffix must exclude spaces and
the following characters: ( ) < > , ; : \ " [ ] @
User Response
Reissue the task specifying a valid Distinguished
Name, NT login, or User Principal Name.