Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen2 worldwide node and port names

The WWPN numbering scheme that is employed on Lenovo Storage® V7000 Gen2 node canisters helps you easily identify which physical ports are connected to your SAN.

WWPNs are assigned to Fibre Channel (FC) and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) port options that are installed in the adapter slots of the node canisters. Each WWNN and WWPN is composed from the components that are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Worldwide name components for Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen2
  Common prefix Slot number Port number Node-specific portion
Value 5005 0768 0b S P XXXX
Meaning A fixed prefix The slot number that contains the adapter providing the port. Can be 2 or 3. This matches the marking above the adapter slots on the rear of the node canisters. The port number on the adapter, which can be 1, 2, 3 or 4. These port numbers are numbered from top to bottom when you view a node canister that is installed in its enclosure. A unique value that is assigned to each node canister slot manufactured. For canister slot one of an enclosure, this is an even value. For canister slot two, it is the next (odd) value up.

The WWNN of each node canister is obtained by setting the slot number and port number components to zero. Some example WWPNs are described in Table 2.

Table 2. Examples of Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen2 WWPNs in an enclosure.

Node canister Slot number Port WWPN
1 2 4 5005 0768 0b24 01a4
2 3 2 5005 0768 0b32 01a5

When a host is cabled directly to an FC port of a Lenovo Storage V7000 Gen2 node canister, other similarly formatted WWPNs are exposed by the Fibre Channel services necessary for direct attachment.