Determining the relationship between MDisks and controller LUNs using the CLI

You can determine the relationship between managed disks (MDisks) and RAID arrays or LUNs using the command-line interface (CLI).

Each MDisk corresponds with a single RAID array, or with a single partition on a given RAID array. Each RAID controller defines a LUN number for this disk. The LUN number and controller name or ID are needed to determine the relationship between MDisks and RAID arrays or partitions.

Complete the following steps to determine the relationship between MDisks and RAID arrays:

  1. Enter the following command to display a detailed view of the MDisk:
    lsmdisk object_name

    Where object_name is the name of the MDisk for which you want to display a detailed view.

  2. Record the controller name or controller ID and the controller LUN number.
  3. Enter the following command to display a detailed view of the controller:
    lscontroller controller_name

    Where controller_name is the name of the controller that you recorded in step 2.

  4. Record the vendor ID, product ID, and WWNN. You can use this information to determine what is being presented to the MDisk.
  5. From the native user interface for the given controller, list the LUNs it is presenting and match the LUN number with that noted in step 1. This tells you the exact RAID array or partition that corresponds with the MDisk.