
Use the mkfcmap command to create a new FlashCopy mapping, which maps a source volume to a target volume for subsequent copying.


mkfcmap -source { src_vdisk_id | src_vdisk_name } -target { target_vdisk_id | target_vdisk_name } [ -namenew_name_arg ] [ -consistgrp { consist_group_id | consist_group_name } ] [ -copyrate rate ] [ -autodelete ] [ -grainsize { 64 | 256 } ] [ -incremental ] [ -cleanrate { rate } ] [ -iogrp { iogroup_name | iogroup_id } ] [ -keeptarget ]


-sourcesrc_vdisk_id | src_vdisk_name
(Required) Specifies the ID or name of the source volume.
-targettarget_vdisk_id | target_vdisk_name
(Required) Specifies the ID or name of the target volume.
(Optional) Specifies the name to assign to the new mapping.
-consistgrpconsist_group_id | consist_group_name
(Optional) Specifies the consistency group to add the new mapping to. If you do not specify a consistency group, the mapping is treated as a stand-alone mapping.
(Optional) Specifies the copy rate. The rate value can be 0 - 100. The default value is 50. A value of 0 indicates no background copy process. For the supported -copyrate values and their corresponding rates, see Table 1.
(Optional) Specifies that a mapping be deleted when the background copy completes. The default, which applies if this parameter is not entered, is that autodelete is set to off.
-grainsize 64 | 256
(Optional) Specifies the grain size for the mapping. The default value is 256. Once set, this value cannot be changed.
Remember: If either the source or target disk contains compressed copies, the default value is 64 (unless source or target disk is part of a mapping with grainsize 256 KB).
(Optional) Marks the FlashCopy mapping as an incremental copy. The default is nonincremental. Once set, this value cannot be changed.
(Optional) Sets the cleaning rate for the mapping. The rate value can be 0 - 100. The default value is 50.
-iogrpiogroup_name | iogroup_id
(Optional) Specifies the I/O group for the FlashCopy bitmap. Once set, this value cannot be changed. The default I/O group is either the source volume, if a single target map, or the I/O group of the other FlashCopy mapping to which either the source or target volumes belong.
Note: If not enough bitmap space is available to complete this command, more space will automatically be allocated in the bitmap memory (unless you have already reached the maximum bitmap memory).
(Optional) Specifies that the target volume and source volume availability should be kept the same. If the target becomes unavailable the source is also made unavailable (instead of stopping the FlashCopy mapping).


This command creates a new FlashCopy mapping. This mapping persists until it is manually deleted, or until it is automatically deleted when the background copy completes and the autodelete parameter set to on. The source and target volumes must be specified on the mkfcmap command. The mkfcmap command fails if the source and target volumes are not identical in size. Issue the lsvdisk -bytes command to find the exact size of the source volume for which you want to create a target disk of the same size. The target volume that you specify cannot be a target volume in an existing FlashCopy mapping. A mapping cannot be created if the resulting set of connected mappings exceeds 256 connected mappings.

The mapping can optionally be given a name and assigned to a consistency group, which is a group of mappings that can be started with a single command. These are groups of mappings that can be processed at the same time. This enables multiple volumes to be copied at the same time, which creates a consistent copy of multiple disks. This consistent copy of multiple disks is required by some database products in which the database and log files reside on different disks.

If the specified source and target volumes are the target and source volumes, respectively, of an existing mapping, then the mapping being created and the existing mapping become partners. If one mapping is created as incremental, then its partner is automatically incremental. A mapping can have only one partner.

You can create a FlashCopy mapping in which the target volume is a member of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship, unless one of the following conditions applies:
  • The relationship is with a clustered system that is running an earlier code level.
  • The I/O group for the mapping is different than the I/O group for the proposed mapping target volume.

The copyrate parameter specifies the copy rate. If 0 is specified, background copy is disabled. The cleanrate parameter specifies the rate for cleaning the target volume. The cleaning process is only active if the mapping is in the copying state and the background copy has completed, the mapping is in the copying state and the background copy is disabled, or the mapping is in the stopping state. You can disable cleaning when the mapping is in the copying state by setting the cleanrate parameter to 0. If the cleanrate is set to 0, the cleaning process runs at the default rate of 50 when the mapping is in the stopping state to ensure that the stop operation completes.

Note: You cannot issue this command if the:
  • Target volume is a master or auxiliary volume in an active-active relationship
  • Source volume is a master or auxiliary volume in an active-active relationship and the target volume and map are not in the same site as the source volume

This table provides the relationship of the copy rate and cleaning rate values to the attempted number of grains to be split per second. A grain is the unit of data represented by a single bit.

Table 1. Relationship between the rate value and the data copied per second
User-specified rate attribute value Data copied/second
1 - 10 128 KB
11 - 20 256 KB
21 - 30 512 KB
31 - 40 1 MB
41 - 50 2 MB
51 - 60 4 MB
61 - 70 8 MB
71 - 80 16 MB
81 - 90 32 MB
91 - 100 64 MB
Note: Maps that are rc_controlled are not shown in the view when this command is specified.

An invocation example

mkfcmap -source 0 -target 2 -name mapone

The resulting output:

FlashCopy Mapping, id [1], successfully created

An invocation example

mkfcmap -source 0 -target 2 -name mapone -keeptarget

The resulting output:

FlashCopy Mapping, id [1], successfully created