
Use the addcontrolenclosure command to add control enclosures to the clustered system.


addcontrolenclosure -iogrpio_grp_id_or_name -sernumenclosure_serial_number [ -site { site_name | site_id } ]


-iogrp io_grp_id_or_name
The I/O group in which you want to put the control enclosure.
-sernum enclosure_serial_number
The serial number of the control enclosure you want to add.
-sitesite_name | site_id
(Optional) Specifies the numeric site value or site name of the new control enclosure. The site can only be set to a value of 1 or 2.
Note: The site assigned to a control enclosure cannot be changed if the topology is hyperswap.


Use this command to add a control enclosure to the system.

If encryption is enabled, you must enter a license for a new encryption capable node before adding it to the clustered system or the addition fails.

An invocation example

addcontrolenclosure -iogrp 0 -sernum 2361443 

The resulting output:

Enclosure containing Node, id [x], successfully added

An invocation example

addcontrolenclosure -iogrp 1 -sernum 1234567 -site site2

The resulting output:

Enclosure, Node id [2], successfully added