Logical unit options and settings for IBMXIV systems

Logical unit (LU) settings for IBM XIV Storage System systems are configurable at the LU level.

IBMXIV options and required settings lists the options that must be set for each LU that is accessed by other hosts. LUs that are accessed by hosts can be configured differently. You can use the IBM XIV Storage System and XIVNextra Storage Management GUI or CLI to change these settings.

Table 1. IBMXIV options and required settings
Option Data type Range IBM XIV Storage System and XIVNextra default setting System setting
Capacity int 17,179,869,184 bytes (17 GB), up to the total system capacity


Block count
None Any
  • The system supports up to 1 PB.
  • LUNs are allocated in 17-GB chunks.
  • Using a block count results in LUNs that are arbitrarily sized, but that still consume multiples of 17 GB.