3090: Drive firmware download is cancelled by user or system, problem diagnosis required.


The drive firmware download has been cancelled by the user or the system and problem diagnosis required.

User Response

If you cancelled the download using applydrivesoftware -cancel then this error is to be expected.

If you changed the state of any drive while the download was ongoing, this error is to be expected, however you will have to rerun the applydrivesoftware to ensure all your drive firmware has been updated.


  1. Check the drive states using lsdrive, in particular look at drives which are status=degraded, offline or use=failed.
  2. Check node states using lsnode or lsnodecanister, and confirm all nodes are online.
  3. Use lsdependentvdisks -drive <drive_id> to check for vdisks that are dependent on specific drives.
  4. If the drive is a member of a RAID0 array, consider whether to introduce additional redundancy to protect the data on that drive.
  5. If the drive is not a member of a RAID0 array, fix any errors in the event log that relate to the array.
  6. Consider using the -force option. With any drive software upgrade there is a risk that the drive might become unusable. Only use the -force option if you accept this risk.
  7. Reissue the applydrivesoftware again.
Note: The lsdriveupgradeprogress command can be used to check the progress of the applydrivesoftware command as it updates each drive.