Migrating data to an image mode volume using the CLI

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to migrate data to an image mode volume.

Use the migratetoimage CLI command to migrate the data from an existing volume onto a different managed disk (MDisk).

When the migratetoimage CLI command is issued, it migrates the data of the user specified source volume onto the specified target MDisk. When the command completes, the volume is classified as an image mode volume.
Note: Migration commands fail for the following reasons:
  • The target or source volume is offline.
  • A quorum disk is not defined.
  • Defined quorum disks are unavailable.
Correct the offline or quorum disk condition and reissue the command.

The MDisk specified as the target must be in an unmanaged state at the time the command is run. Using this command results in the inclusion of the MDisk into the user specified storage pool.

Enter the following CLI command to migrate data to an image mode volume:

migratetoimage -vdisk source_vdisk_name -mdisk unmanaged_target_mdisk_name -mdiskgrp managed_disk_group_name

where source_vdisk_name is the name of the image mode volume, unmanaged_target_mdisk_name is the name of the new MDisk, and managed_disk_group_name is the name of the new storage pool. For example, the following command migrates data from the vdisk0 image mode volume to the mdisk5 target in the mdgrp2 storage pool:

migratetoimage -vdisk vdisk0 -mdisk mdisk5 -mdiskgrp mdgrp2