Global settings for IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 systems

Global settings apply across IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 systems.

IBMSystem Storage DS5000, DS4000, and IBM DS3000 system global options and settings lists the global settings that can be used with the system.
Table 1. IBMSystem Storage DS5000, DS4000, and IBM DS3000 system global options and settings
Option Setting
Start flushing 50%
Stop flushing 50%
Cache block size 4 Kb (for systems that are running 06.x or earlier)

8 Kb or 16 Kb (for systems that are running 07.x or later)

Attention: See the IBM DS5000, IBM DS4000, or IBM DS3000 documentation for details on how to modify the settings.

Use a host type for of IBM TS SAN VCE to establish the correct global settings for the system.