Copy Services

FlashCopy is a copy service that is provided by the system.

These copy services are available to all supported hosts that are connected to the system.

This copy service is available to all supported hosts that are connected to the system.

The FlashCopy service enables you to make an instant, point-in-time copy of a source IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume instance to a target IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume instance.

The synchronous copy service (Metro Mirror) provides a consistent copy of the source IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume on the target IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume. Data is written to the target volume synchronously after it is written to the source volume, both of which can belong to the same IBMTSSVC_Cluster instance or different IBMTSSVC_Cluster instances.

The asynchronous copy service (Global Mirror) provides a copy of the source IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume on the target IBMTSSVC_StorageVolume. Data is written to the target volume asynchronously after it is written to the source volume, both of which can belong to the same IBMTSSVC_Cluster instance or different IBMTSSVC_Cluster instances.