Change volumes

Change volumes are used in Global Mirror relationships and between HyperSwap® volume copies. Change volumes create periodic point-in-time-copies of the source volumes and replicate them to the secondary site. Using change volumes lowers bandwidth requirements by only addressing the average throughput and not the peak.Global Mirror change volumes are copies of data from a primary volume or secondary volume that are used in Global Mirror relationships. Using change volumes lowers bandwidth requirements by only addressing the average throughput and not the peak.

If you are using change volumes with Global Mirror, the copying process is similar to Metro Mirror and standard Global Mirror. The copying process for Global Mirror change volumes is similar to Metro Mirror and standard Global Mirror. A copy is taken of the primary volume in the relationship using the change volume that is specified when the Global Mirror relationship with change volumes is created. The background copy process reads data from the stable and consistent change volume, copying the data to the secondary volume in the relationship. Copy-on-write technology is used to maintain the consistent image of the primary volume for the background copy process to read. The changes that took place while the background copy process was active are also tracked. The change volume for the secondary volume can also be used to maintain a consistent image of the secondary volume while the background copy process is active.

When the background copy process completes, the change volume at the primary merges the record of changes that have been received by the Global Mirror relationship. If the process completes abnormally, such as when the relationship is stopped, then the Global Mirror relationship becomes Inconsistent Stopped or Consistent Stopped.

Change volumes are used with a volume with copies on two sites using HyperSwap topology. Similar to change copies that are used in Global Mirror relationships, change volumes for HyperSwap are used to create point-in-time replicas of volume copies on separate sites. Change volumes maintain a consistent and stable record of changes and make resynchronization of data quicker.