Switch zoning limitations for the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX

There are limitations in switch zoning for the Lenovo Storage V series and the EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX systems.

Switch zoning

The Lenovo Storage V series switch zone must include at least one target port on two or more Fibre Channel adapters to avoid a single point of failure.

The EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX must be configured to present logical units (LUs) to all Lenovo Storage V series initiator ports that are in the fabric zone.

Only Lenovo Storage V series initiator ports that are LUN masked on the EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX controller should be present in the fabric zone.

Note: The EMC Symmetrix and Symmetrix DMX systems present themselves to the Lenovo Storage V seriesclustered system as separate controllers for each port zoned to the Lenovo Storage V series system. For example, if one of these storage systems has 4 ports zoned to the Lenovo Storage V series system, each port appears as a separate controller rather than one controller with 4 WWPNs. In addition, a given logical unit (LU) must be mapped to the Lenovo Storage V series system through all controller ports zoned to the system by using the same logical unit number (LUN).

Connecting to the SAN

You can connect a maximum of 16 EMC Symmetrix or Symmetrix DMX ports to the Lenovo Storage V series system. There are no further special zoning requirements. Configurations that are set up to adhere to the requirements that are described in previous Lenovo Storage V series releases are also supported, but should not be followed for new installations.