Creating Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships using the CLI

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to create Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships between two clusters.

Note: When remote copy partnerships are created between systems supporting different maximum numbers of volumes, then the maximum number of volumes that can be created on any system is determined to be the same as on the system that supports the smallest maximum number of volumes. An attempt to create a partnership will fail if one system has more disks than is supported by the other system.
To create Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships, complete the following steps.

  1. To create Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships for Fibre Channel connections, run the mkfcpartnership command. To create Metro Mirror and Global Mirror partnerships for IP connections, run the mkippartnership command.
    For example, for Fibre Channel connections enter:
    mkfcpartnership -linkbandwidthmbits bandwidth_in_mbps 
    -backgroundcopyrate percentage_of_available_bandwidthremote_cluster_id

    where bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, percentage_of_available_bandwidth specifies the maximum percentage of aggregate link bandwidth that can be used for background copy operations, and remote_cluster_id is the ID of the remote system. For IP connections, enter:

    mkippartnership -type ip_address_type 
                    -clusterip remote_cluster_ip_address 
                    -chapsecret chap_secret 
                    -linkbandwidthmbits bandwidth_in_mbps 
                    -backgroundcopyrate percentage_of_available_bandwidth

    where ip_address_type specifies the IP address type (IPv4 or IPv6) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, remote_cluster_ip_address specifies the IP address of the remote system, chap_secret specifies the CHAP secret of the remote system (optional), bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, and percentage_of_available_bandwidth specifies the maximum percentage of aggregate link bandwidth that can be used for background copy operations (optional).

  2. Run the mkfcpartnership command for Fibre Channel connections or mkippartnership command for IP connections from the remote system.
    For example, for Fibre Channel connections enter:
    mkfcpartnership -linkbandwidthmbits bandwidth_in_mbps 
                    -backgroundcopyrate percentage_of_available_bandwidthlocal_cluster_id

    where bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, percentage_of_available_bandwidth specifies the maximum percentage of aggregate link bandwidth that can be used for background copy operations, and remote_cluster_id is the ID of the local system.

    For Internet Protocol (IP) connections, enter:
    mkippartnership -type ip_address_type 
                    -clusterip local_cluster_ip_address 
                    -chapsecret chap_secret 
                    -linkbandwidthmbits bandwidth_in_mbps 
                    -backgroundcopyrate percentage_of_available_bandwidth

    where ip_address_type specifies the IP address type (IPv4 or IPv6) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, remote_cluster_ip_address specifies the IP address of the local system, chap_secret specifies the CHAP secret of the local system (optional), bandwidth_in_mbps specifies the bandwidth (in megabytes per second) that is used by the background copy process between the clusters, and percentage_of_available_bandwidth specifies the maximum percentage of aggregate link bandwidth that can be used for background copy operations (optional).